Hi-Fi Audio

Where have all the Audiophiles gone? Music is so much better that what comes from a mp3, playing on cell phone. Give me good ol’ analog, or a quality digital file. Love music played on good equipment. I’m far from being a true Audiophile, but I can still dream.

WW2 Photos

Grandpa Munyon had an unique perspective during WW2. He was Aide-de-Camp to Major General Rapp Brush, commanding general of the 40th Infantry Division.

Baseball Blues

In the early days of the 2oth century, Northern California professional and semi-pro baseball diamonds were  filled with talented ball players. At Baseball Blues I focus on the career of a semi-pro star, “Genial” Gene Camozzi, and along with those who toiled in the bushes during the same era.

Travel Time

Always make time to travel. Experienc the opene road. The next big adventure,


This is where we keep all the marbles. The little things we collect along our journey. It’s hard to resist a good antique store. We love smalls.


Some of the work I’ve done in the few years that I’ve been doing this sort of stuff.


Some of the work I’ve done in the few years that I’ve been doing this sort of stuff.


Some of the work I’ve done in the few years that I’ve been doing this sort of stuff.